
Alert Section

COVID-19 Advice for Businesses

Please find below links to official advice in relation to the Coronavirus Covid-19.  Please read the information carefully and we will endeavour to update you as and when we have any more information.


Grants and Support administered by 香港王中王最快开奖结果

Support for Business January 2022 - The Non-Domestic Rates Emergency Fund and Discretionary Emergency Business Fund 

The Grant closed at 5pm on Monday 14th February 2022.   Please visit the Business Wales Website at for further information, advice and support that may be available to your business.

Enterprise Renewal

Grant funding is available to micro and small businesses in rural Denbighshire, 香港王中王最快开奖结果 & Wrexham. Social and community enterprises are also able to apply for grant funding.

Businesses will be able to apply for a 50% grant, up to a maximum application value of £10,000 grant funds (which would be £5,000 grant funds and £5,000 applicant cash match funding) towards costs relating to the introduction of new products or processes. The minimum application value is £2,000.

Please note: due to the small-scale of the support available, this scheme is best suited to micro-businesses and new small business start-ups

Tourism and Hospitality Advice

UK Hospitality have released their guidance for reopening hospitality in Wales. The document can be found by accessing this link:

Test and Trace

The Test, Trace and Protect employer guidance page is now live:

Contact tracing and updated TTP questions were published yesterday, links are:

Community Interest Companies and Not-For-Profit Organisations

 is to help organisations stay in business and provide cash flow support to help organisations through the current crisis. It is not to replace lost funding but it is to aid survival of organisations that would otherwise have to close because they don’t have access to other funds (such as reserves) to see them through the next 6 months.

There is no VAT registration requirement nor the need to evidence a percentage drop in income/turnover and it is based on need to survive.

This fund is focused on supporting those that have predominately lost donation/fundraising income or are not eligible for the Welsh Gov Resilience Fund because of eligibility reasons.

 are co-ordinating the volunteer response to Covid-19. They are working tirelessly to help those most vulnerable within our communities, and are doing such a fabulous job.

Emergency Funds - CV-19 - Community Action Organisations Support

The Local Action Groups in rural Denbighshire, 香港王中王最快开奖结果 and Wrexham have funds available to support community enterprises, charities, formal community groups and public sector organisations in rural areas of Denbighshire, 香港王中王最快开奖结果 and Wrexham to enable them to adjust their frontline community support in the context of the of current and ever-changing Corona Virus outbreak. These funds are available through Cadwyn Clwyd.

Organisations can apply for up to £3000 for eligible costs to develop new approaches in providing support for services. For further information please contact Donna Hughes – 01490 340500 or

Charity regulators publish  regarding operating during the coronavirus outbreak has been made available by the Charity Commission for England and Wales. Guidance includes financial support which is available, holding meetings online or by telephone, reporting serious incidents and keeping people safe etc.

Coronavirus Guidance for Community Interest Companies

The  has published guidance about how CICs can manage the impact of the outbreak.

HMRC Support

HMRC has a set up a phone helpline to support businesses and self-employed people concerned about not being able to pay their tax due to coronavirus (COVID-19). For further information please visit the GOV.UK website.

Federation of Small Business (FSB)

FSB’s Coronavirus Hub – for further information please visit:

FSB membership benefits are vast and new members can start benefitting straight away – for further information please visit:

General Support for you during COVID-19 Pandemic

Have you been effected by the current pandemic sweeping the country? For information on employment, mentoring, citizens advice, benefits, family information services and housing please follow this link

Advice for Licenced Premises

On 22nd December 2021, Welsh Government announced that at 6am on 26th December 2021 there would be a move to Alert Level 2 in respect of the Coronavirus Regulations. 

The measures in place will include:

  • Nightclubs must close
  • 2m social distancing in offices and all public premises
  • Table service only, where alcohol is provided
  • A maximum of six people can meet in public premises (rule of six)
  • Track and Trace information to be collected in hospitality settings
  • Masks to be worn at all times except while seated
  • Events limited to 30 people indoors and 50 people outdoors
  • Significant life events (i.e. weddings / funerals) – numbers to be determined by the venue’s risk assessment and ability to socially distance
  • Community sporting events limited to 50 spectators outdoors

Grants for the sector will become available.

The Alert Level 2 summary and the most up to date information in respect of the regulations and guidance can be found on the Welsh Government’s dedicated Coronavirus ‘latest’  

Please make sure that you familiarise yourself with the requirements.