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Procurement Process

All of our business is procured using a competitive process, whether it is comparing quotes for low cost purchases or going through the formal tender procedure for higher priced contracts.

Our first step is to establish whether or not the goods, works or services are covered by an existing contract or framework. If they are, then we must use that supplier, if not, then the value of the contract has an effect on the procurement process as detailed below. 

A contract value is determined by estimating the value of the goods, services or works required and the duration of the requirement.

Contracts less than £10,000 (Goods/Services/Works)

Purchases of this value will have at least one written quotation with suppliers selected from an Approved List where an appropriate list exists. If an Approved List is not available then the opportunity will be advertised on  and 

Contracts valued between £10,001 and £25,000 (Goods/Services/Works)

Contracts of this value require at least three written quotations with suppliers selected from an Approved List where an appropriate list exists. If an Approved List is not available the opportunity will be advertised on  and 

Contracts valued between £25,001 and OJEU Threshold (Goods/Services)

Purchases of this amount will normally be advertised on  and  and require a minimum of four formal tenders. 

Contracts valued between £25,001 and £250,000 (Works)

Contracts of this value require at least four written quotations with suppliers selected from an Approved List where an appropriate list exists. If an Approved List is not available then the opportunity will be advertised on  and 

Contracts valued over OJEU Threshold (Goods/Services/Works)

Purchases of this amount will be advertised on  and  and require a minimum of five formal tenders. 

Invitation to tender

If you enter the tender process, you will have access to the following documents;

  • Instructions to tenderers
  • Specification of the goods and services required
  • Criteria for selection
  • The period of contract
  • The terms and conditions of the contract
  • Details of tenderer and references
  • Tender Questionnaire
  • The price schedule or others if appropriate, e.g. information schedule
  • Form of tender
  • Any additional information considered appropriate to ensure the council receives best value for money.

How to prepare your tender

Please read the documents carefully and provide all of the requested information. If you have any queries, you should raise them with the contact officer identified within the tender documentation. Please make sure that you submit your completed tender by the due date. 

When considering purchasing, we have to allow a prescribed or reasonable amount of time for prospective suppliers to respond, and for us to carry out our evaluations. This process can take several months to complete. 

Award of Contract

If you are successful with your tender submission you will be notified in writing and may be requested to sign a form of agreement.

All unsuccessful tenderers will be informed and provided with details of who won the tender and how their submission compared with the winning bid.

When a contract is awarded, we would work within our contract procedure rules, which promote good procurement practice, public accountability and deter corruption.

Terms and Conditions

All tenders are subject to terms and conditions:

Additional Information

If you have goods or services that you think a department would be interested in buying, then you should contact that department.

Please remember that the procurement team oversees projects and offer advice and support on procurement matters, but it is up to a department if they are interested in your goods or services.