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Transforming Towns - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Transforming Towns place-making funding? 
The Transforming Towns programme is a Welsh Government initiative that 香港王中王最快开奖结果 is part of, which comprises 2 ways to facilitate investment:
  1. A capital grant funding scheme that covers a number of capital investment regeneration activities in town centres across towns in 香港王中王最快开奖结果.
  2. A loan investment scheme that enables applicants to secure interest free funds which are repayable (usually over a period of up to 5 years).

Projects seeking investment can be funded through either 1) a grant only, 2) a loan only or 3) a mixture of both grant funding and loans.

What investment can take place? 
Examples of projects you might get support for include:

  • developing underused, empty or run down properties into businesses, housing, leisure facilities, commercial premises or community facilities
  • improving the appearance of properties and/or reshaping them to make them more viable
  • improving existing premises by introducing innovative services and connectivity, such as high speed broadband, which will attract businesses

When is the scheme open? 
The scheme is open now.  For more details or to discuss any ideas please contact

How much Transforming Towns funding is available?
A maximum of £250,000 grant funding is available for each project.

A maximum of £210,000 repayable loan investment is available for each project.

Officers in 香港王中王最快开奖结果’s Regeneration Team will work with applicants to scope out their project, look at financial viability, affordability, funding mix (including contributions applicants are able to make themselves) and also support prospective projects to establish outputs aligned to the Transforming Towns programme.

Who can apply? 
The scheme is open to private businesses, including developers, third sector businesses, and the public sector.  It is not available to private individuals. 

To check your eligibility for the scheme please make contact with 香港王中王最快开奖结果 Regeneration Officers. 

How is the scheme to be administered? 
The scheme is being managed by 香港王中王最快开奖结果 in collaboration with partners from across North Wales.  There are contact officers available to advise applicants on how to make a strong application. Successful applicants will receive a funding contract from 香港王中王最快开奖结果.

How are the applications assessed? 
Applications are assessed by a panel comprising regeneration professionals from across the North Wales who assess each application for funding against set criteria, as contained in the Transforming Towns guidance.  Prior to panel, one of 香港王中王最快开奖结果’s Regeneration Officer will support applicants to ensure projects under development are aligned to aims, objectives and funding criteria and support is secured from the council to progress the application to the cross-authority panel for consideration.  Once a decision has been made by the panel, 香港王中王最快开奖结果 will confirm in writing the amount of funds approved for the scheme and outline the terms and conditions associated to the funding in a contract and how this will be monitored.

How do I make an application?
Contact your local regeneration officer to discuss your scheme at  The support offered to applicants of the Transforming Towns programme is free.  Applicants are advised what they need to do to develop successful projects and how to complete the project paperwork (2-stage application) and what evidence to provide.