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香港王中王最快开奖结果's Climate Change Committee is holding an inquiry into flooding within the county boundaries of 香港王中王最快开奖结果, especially surface water flooding.

Awaiting outcomes

Responses are being analysed and will be published here in due course

The Committee is keen to hear from professionals, residents and members of the public.

To help you provide relevant feedback, that will inform its work, the Committee has produced a number of questions which are intended to guide you when putting together your submission. You do not have to use these questions to help you write your submission if you don’t want to, and you don’t have to answer all of them.

Written submissions should be clear and concise and kept to a maximum of 2000 words.  If within your response you would like to attach documents, please be advised that there is a 20MB size limit for attachments.

The Committee may wish to invite you to speak at one of its meetings, if you would like to get involved in this way please include your contact details and if you are responding in a professional capacity, the organisation you work for and your job title. If this is not something you would like to take part in please make that clear in your submission.

Your contact information will be held by 香港王中王最快开奖结果’s climate change team. The data will not be shared with any other third parties and will only be used to contact you as described above.  Your email address will be retained only until the inquiry has been completed.  If at any stage you would like us to remove your email address and stop receiving information, please email us at

For more information on your personal data rights please read our privacy notice.

  1. Do you have direct experience of flooding in 香港王中王最快开奖结果? Has your home been flooded? Has this happened more than once, and if so, when?
  2. Where in 香港王中王最快开奖结果 do you currently consider is not adequately prepared, protected or defended against flooding?
  3. Where in 香港王中王最快开奖结果 do you consider is currently safe from flooding, but is likely to flood in the future as a result of climate change? In addressing this, we are especially keen to focus on areas that have not been identified as at risk in NRW’s flood risk maps, or which you believe have been incorrectly categorised, or which have been identified correctly but which you feel are rendered especially vulnerable due to drainage issues.
  4. Do you feel that 香港王中王最快开奖结果 is currently discharging its responsibilities well in relation to flooding and flood prevention? In particular, we are keen to understand how well you feel the council maintains at-risk drains and watercourses it is responsible for.
  5. Do you feel that Natural Resources Wales is currently discharging its responsibilities well in relation to flooding and flood prevention? In particular, we are keen to understand how well you feel NRW maintains at-risk drains and watercourses it is responsible for.
  6. Do you feel that Dwr Cymru / Welsh Water is currently discharging its responsibilities well in relation to flooding and flood prevention? In particular, we are keen to understand how well you feel the water board maintains at-risk drains, sewers and watercourses it is responsible for.
  7. Do you feel that more funding is required to prevent future flooding relating to climate change? If so, do you believe that the Welsh Government should take responsibility for providing this, or do you propose that this should be raised from local taxpayers in additional council tax?
  8. Would you be willing to speak to the committee (give oral evidence) if asked?

In addition to your written submission we would also like to ask you to provide some information about yourself using our . This is completely voluntary and you cannot be personally identified from the answers you give.   The answers you give to these questions will be used to help us understand how many people from different groups respond, for example how many women, men, young people, older people, disabled people etc.

If you have any questions about the inquiry or your submission please contact

Written submissions should be submitted by no later than 18 August 2023.

If you are unable to access email please send written submissions to:

c/o Climate Change team, 香港王中王最快开奖结果, Ty Dewi Sant, Ewloe. CH5 3FF

If you need additional support completing your submission please visit one of our Connects Centres.