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High Street Bagillt

Published: 25/02/2015

Proposals for a Zebra Crossing on the High Street in Bagillt are now being considered as part of the safety scheme currently being constructed there. The scheme was agreed following an extensive period of consultation, including an informal consultation event which was well attended in the local village hall. Some changes were made in response to the comments of local residents, with a reduction in the number of speed cushions, and a chicane introduced on the western section of the road to alleviate concerns raised at the consultation event. The amended scheme was then subjected to a further formal statutory advertisement period with notices on site, in the press, and plans were also made available locally for inspection. Only two objections were received in response to the advertising, and the scheme progressed to contract stage. Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment, Councillor Bernie Attridge said; The Council is mindful of the disruption that this traffic calming scheme has caused. We would like to thank local residents, businesses and the travelling public for their patience whilst we complete these works, which are funded by a budget from the Welsh Government, with completion required by the end of the financial year. A reduction in physical measures has resulted in cost savings being made. This has now enabled a proposed Zebra Crossing within the vicinity of Foresters Hall to be reconsidered - subject to meeting statutory legal requirements. Completion of these works will deliver much needed safety improvements to the local community ensuring High Street Bagillt remains a safe and rewarding place of residence for future generations.