
Alert Section

Motorcycle safety

Advice for motorcyclists and drivers

Motorcyclists account for 21% of all road user deaths. Keep yourself and other road users safe by following this .

Free Bikesafe workshops

Thanks to funding made available to the North Wales Road Safety Group, FREE Bikesafe workshops are available to residents of North Wales - subject to availability of places and until funds are exhausted. This course is aimed at motorcyclists, who have passed their riding test. 

Riders can book onto either a 2 day motorcycle "Road Management Skills" course (worth £100), which involves both an indoor session and a practical riding assessment/demonstration or a free Bikesafe workshop and First Bike on Scene course.

First Bike on Scene provides instruction in motorcycle related first aid. For further information visit the website (and book online), phone on 01492 804155 or email (will create an email).

Advanced motorcycling

Motorcyclists interested in advanced riding can join the .

Alternatively, you may wish to consider the .

Parking of motorbikes

Off Street Restrictions

When parking in a Pay and Display Car Park the driver must park in a bay and the relevant fee must be paid and the P&D ticket retained by the rider; if there is no means of displaying the P&D ticket on the motor cycle.

It is expected, that the motorbike rider adheres to all conditions as stated on the Pay & Display machine and ensures that the vehicle is parked wholly within an official marked bay, as failing to adhere to these regulations may result in the issuing of an Penalty Charge Notice.  

There is no secure motorbike parking however, we have two bays lined specifically to accommodate motorbike only parking (these are located in New Street Car Park, Mold).  Whilst some of our car parks have CCTV camera’s they are not dedicated to specific areas and the camera is moved remotely at the discretion of the CCTV office

On-Street Restrictions

It is also expected that motorbike rider adhere to the time limits set in limited waiting bays.

All motorbikes must ensure that they park in accordance with the restrictions in place, and not park on the pavements causing an obstruction.

No motorbikes are permitted to park on a pedestrian zone during the prescribed hours, all motorbikes must adhere to the Traffic Regulation Orders as appropriately lined and signed where necessary on site.

Other useful links

- Awebsite all about safe motorcycling in Wales written and managed by professional bikers for bikers. 

- Aims to engage and educate motorcyclists in a safe, professional and conflict free environment.

- Rules for motorcyclists, motorcycle license requirements, driving in adverse weather conditions and more.