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Brynford, Lixwm, Rhosesmor Area Review

In June 2015 Cabinet determined that we enter into informal consultation for an area review for the following schools:-

Brynford C.P. School
Lixwm C.P. School
Ysgol Rhos Helyg, Rhosesmor

The area school review will assess the education provision in the area.

The options for the area as agreed with the Governors are as follows:-

Option 1: Status Quo.
Option 2: Area School on One Site.
Option 3: Retain Ysgol Rhos Helyg, Rhosesmor and one Area School on one site.

This would mean the following:-

Option 1: Status Quo - Each school remains as it is, retains its name, category, budget, governors, staff and remains in its community. 

Option 2: Area school on one site - Area school - one site, the school would retain its category but would have a new name, governing body, head and budget and would remain in one of the communities.

Option 3: Area Schools on two sites - Ysgol Rhos Helyg, Rhosesmor would remain as it is, retains its name, category, budget, governors, staff and would remain in its community.  Brynford CP and Lixwm CP would amalgamate onto one site. The amalgamated school would retain its category but would have a new name, governing body, head and budget and would remain in one of the communities.

Key information, including Impact Assessments on Language; Equality;Transportation; Community and Buildings Appraisal, have been undertaken in order to inform this report and are available to view on the links below:-


Informal Consultation Documents


Informal Consultation Comments Report

Children's and Young People's Informal Consultation Survey Results

Appendix 1 Comments from Adult Response Form

Appendix 2 Governing Body Response

Appendix 3 Community Council Response

Appendix 4 Headteacher Response

Appendix 5 Local Member Response

Appendix 6 Comments from the Children and Young Peoples Response Form

Appendix 7 Area Review Information Paper