
Alert Section

Lixwm Community Primary School

香港王中王最快开奖结果 wishes to seek the views of interested parties regarding the proposal to re-designate Lixwm Community Primary School to a Voluntary Aided Church in Wales School.

The consultation document sets out information which consultees should consider to fully participate in the consultation process.  The process follows regulatory guidance as set out in the Welsh Government’s School Organisation Code 2018.

Determination Letter

Lixwm CP School Statutory Notice

Formal Consultation Document

Children and Young People's Consultation Document

Community Impact Assessment

Integrated Impact assessment

Transport Impact Assessment

Consultation Report

Formal Consultation Report

Appendix A List of Consultees

Appendix B Correspondence Received

Appendix C Response from Estyn

Appendix D Children and Young People's Responses

Appendix E School Council Ballot Papers