
Alert Section

Adult Safeguarding

The North Wales Adult Safeguarding Board is a partnership between Social Services, , the , , voluntary services, care homes and care agencies. Partners are working together to make sure that any reports of vulnerable adult abuse are taken seriously and are investigated by the right people.

Who are Vulnerable Adults?

Vulnerable adults are people over the age of 18 who, because of disability, age or illness, are unable to protect themselves from harm or from being exploited.

What is Abuse?

Abuse can be any harm caused to a vulnerable adult, whether or not it is deliberate. Abuse can happen anywhere, including in a person’s own home or in a care setting. There are a number of ways in which a vulnerable adult may be mistreated, harmed or distressed:

  • Physical abuse - including hitting, slapping, over or misuse of medication, undue restraint or inappropriate sanctions.
  • Sexual abuse - including rape and sexual assault or sexual acts to which the vulnerable adult has not or could not consent and / or was put under pressure to consent
  • Psychological abuse – including threats of harm or being abandoned, humiliation, verbal or racial abuse, isolation or withdrawal from services or support.
  • Financial or material abuse – including theft, fraud, pressure around wills, property or inheritance, misuse or dishonestly taking benefits
  • Neglect – including failure to access medical care or services, not caring about risks, not giving prescribed medication, poor nutrition or lack of heating.
  • Racially motivated abuse – can take any of the above forms
  • Stranger abuse – a vulnerable adult may be abused by someone who they do not know, such as a stranger, a member of the public or a person who deliberately targets vulnerable people in order to exploit them.

What should I do if I suspect abuse?

You can contact Social Services for advice, or you can contact the Police directly if you think that a crime has been committed. We will then make sure that the right people investigate the abuse and make sure that the vulnerable adult is safe.

Contact Numbers

During office hours please contact Social Services on 03000 858858 or  101.

If you are concerned that an older person is being abused you can also contact the  support line on 0808 808 8141 or on 08450 549969.

Out of hours contact the Police on 101 or in emergency call 999.