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Green Dog Walkers

Green Dog Walkers (GDW) is a non-confrontational, friendly way to change attitudes about dog fouling in your area.

Green Dog Walkers

What is Green Dog Walkers?

The initiative was started by Falkirk Council in Scotland and has now been adopted by many councils throughout the UK.  Volunteers are provided with a GDW bandana for their dog(s) to wear to show they have "taken the pledge" to always:

  • Clean up after their dog
  • Carry extra dog waste bags
  • Be happy to be approached to 'lend' a dog waste bag to those without
  • Be a friendly reminder to other dog walkers to clean up after their dogs

The Facts...


Did you know that primary school children and footballers are most at risk from diseases from dog fouling? After it has lain on the ground for two weeks, worms develop and these diseases and others can cause: toxacara canis, roundworm, salmonella, E-coli, resulting in pneumonia, asthma and blindness.

However, it IS SAFE to clean it up “on the spot”!

Dog owners and dog walkers support the scheme by signing a pledge to clean up after their pets. They support other owners to do the same by giving free poop bags. They are responsible dog owners demonstrating the importance of cleaning up dog mess. 

Your Green Dog Walker Guide


Become a Green Dog Walker

To become a Green Dog Walker you can complete the pledge online. Once we've received your form we will send out your GDW bandana(s) for your dog(s).

Would you like to take part in the project?

Just read The Pledge and return the signed Acceptance Form. We will send you your Green Dog Walkers® dog bandana(s) (one per dog, limit of 3).

The Green Dog Walkers Pledge

I hereby volunteer to accept a Green Dog Walkers® item and pledge to take part in the campaign as follows:

1. My dog(s) will wear the Green Dog Walkers bandana as often as possible when out walking.

2. I will at all times clean up after my dog and dispose of the bag in a bin.

3. When others walk my dog I will encourage them to clean up after my dog.

4. I will carry extra doggie bags to distribute to other dog walkers if requested.

5. I will not aggressively confront other dog walkers about dog fouling. I fully understand that Green Dog Walkers® is intended to be a non-confrontational and friendly campaign to change attitudes about dog fouling.

6. I agree that Green Dog Walkers® may contact me to take part in questionnaires or surveys regarding my Green Dog Walker® experience, to help judge the success of the project.

Acceptance Form: The Green Dog Walkers® Pledge

I have read The Green Dog Walkers® Pledge. My dog and I agree to take part in the GDW campaign. I hereby volunteer to accept the terms of the Pledge, to receive a Green Dog Walkers® bandana for my dog(s) to wear and to carry extra doggie bags when I walk my dog.

For more information, please contact: