
Alert Section

Trading Standards

Advice on your consumer rights, avoiding scams and doorstep crime, product safety and money lending

Counterfeit goods

Advice on avoiding purchasing counterfeit goods, your rights and how to report it to us

Unsatisfactory goods & services

What to do if you wish to complain about unsatisfactory goods and services

Bogus Charity Clothing Collections

There are a number of guidelines that can help you determine the genuine from the shams

Doorstep crime

Advice on preventing doorstep crime, your rights and how to report an incident

Product safety

Advice on product safety and how to report unsafe products

Scams - avoid or report them

Don't get scammed - get wise! How to avoid scams and identity theft

Wales Illegal Money Lending Unit

Specialist officers are on hand to support and assist victims and advise on debt and other problems